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Writer's pictureJoanne Martin


Is it important? In a word AYE

Especially heading into this ‘heatwave’ that we’re due to be experiencing very soon…

Though in Scotland I’ll believe it when I see it

So we need water in our bodies to function – to think, move, do anything.

You may notice if you’ve not had enough water in a day you feel sluggish and can’t think straight – or maybe you hadn’t actually thought that – well now you know!!

When the body doesn’t get enough fluids the blood starts to thicken, making the heart work harder for less return, increasing your heart rate. While losing some sweat is alright through a workout or activity, at some point the fluid and sodium loss will impact you. You’ll feel tired and everything becomes harder.

And in the heat that’s apparently due is going to make you sweat…

The recommended intake of water in a day is around 2 litres for men and 1.6 litres for women – but add extra activity and that number goes up.

The good news is you can get your fluid intake from other sources – coffee does count (contrary to popular belief), milk, tea, juice – though watch your caffeine and sugar intake with these fluids.

You can also get some decent hydration from food – some water rich foods are –

Watermelon (personal favourite)



Cantaloupe Melon







Plain Yoghurt


Ice lollies

Any excuse to get the ice lollies oot

And with most of the above you’ll be getting some serious vitamins and minerals in there too – most important.

You can check your levels of hydration from the colour of your pee too – is it weird I find this absolutely fascinating?! Basically – the darker (and stinkier) the pee – the less hydrated you are – Here is a good one that’s beer related – very tongue in cheek!

So this heatwave (and any time) drink plenty of water and fluids, get some watery veg and fruit and make sure your pee isn’t Guinness or Export coloured.

Have a good one!

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